Domite® has established a reputation as the solution for high abrasion and impact in the mining, quarry & construction industries, and has numerous applications in cement, asphalt, material handling/mineral processing and dredging industries.
- Various sizes allow for modular arrangement to fit any blade size
- No expensive or complicated cutting or forming required
- Simple weld procedure – no pre or post heating required
- Light & easy handle
- Rounded edges deflect blunt force impact
- Reduces hangup – alloy rich DOMITE has a low coefficient of friction
- DOMITE has a homogeneous carbide matrix – reducing risk of
- Spalling experienced with CCO
- DOMITE is 725+ BHN on average lasts 5-10x longer than AR500
Other products to be used are
- Wing shrouds / Round bars for the cheeks and side bars
- Chocky Bars / Skid plates for Push Arm & Ripper protection
DOMITE® creates custom shapes and sizes specifically designed for your application.
Custom Parts